How To Stop Those Stinky Dog Farts & Bad Gas

sad pup paws
(Last Updated On: February 16, 2021)
You’re at a social gathering and someone goes, “What’s that smell?” Someone blames the gas on the dog farting, whether they’re the culprit or not! Sound familiar?
It is true that dogs do fart when they eat or swallow air, like humans do. But why does it sometimes feel like dog farts are so much worse?
One reason for this might be the amount of times you notice the smell. “Why does my dog fart so much?” The first few times may be funny. But when your dog is able to clear the room with the smell, you might start wondering if there’s a way to help lessen your dog’s gas.

Do Dogs Fart? Why Does My Dog Fart So Much?

Of course dogs fart! It might feel a little strange to think about, but dogs pass gas like humans do because they swallow air or are following a certain diet.
If a dog swallows air, it has to come up somewhere. Most of the time, these farts are odorless. This is because these aren’t created by the intestines, where even only 1% of bacteria produce the unfortunate smell.
Diet is also important then since that influences the gas produced in the intestines. While dogs don’t digest plants very well, the bacteria in their intestines can handle it.
That’s when gas is produced as a by-product. It’s a completely normal process, but if your dog farts a lot, there are ways to reduce the gas from your flatulent friend.

If your dog farts a lot, try a visit to the vet to check for any internal issues, like food allergies or a problem with the bacteria.

You should also be aware of parasites. Be sure to have your vet check your dog for intestinal worms every three months.
As mentioned, swallowed air can also be an issue. Especially with dogs who tend to breathe through their mouths. Simple surgery can be done to improve your dog’s quality of life. But also be sure to keep your dog at a proper weight to reduce this problem.

Dog Gas: Help! My Dog Has Bad Gas!

Every dog farts! You can’t stop your dog from this completely normal process. But there are special dogs that have excessively bad gas known as “flatulence.”

If your dog has bad gas, then this excessive gas can be lessened. Air and bacteria in the digestive tract are the main causes.
Before thinking about treatment, you should always check the overall health of your dog. If your dog is having diarrhea or vomiting as well, go to your vet before trying anything.
If your dog is in good health, there are a few things you can do to get rid of excessive gas.
What can I give my dog for gas? If your dog has gas, focus on their diet, eating, probiotics and dietary supplements. You might be on your last rope, but not to worry. We’ve got all the answers here!

dog farts

5 Quick Ways to Stop Stinky Dog Farts

As we have mentioned before, go to your vet if you really think anything is seriously wrong. If your dog has an infection or disease in their GI tract, it’s best to consult your vet instead of trying to figure it out yourself.

You may have already been to your vet within 6-12 months for their usual check-up. And your dog got a clean bill of health. If so, we have 5 easy tip and treatments you can try to help your dog smell a little less.


Your dog’s food might be the culprit for making him super gassy and causing stomach upsets. Sometimes, you do get what you pay for.
Cheaper and lower quality dog food can be made up of a lot of filler ingredients which can hardly wholesome or healthy.
The simplest option is to change your dog’s diet first by switching their food to a brand with whole quality ingredients
You can even feed them a homemade diet. Go for foods with meat as the main ingredient. Avoid common foods that cause a lot of gas such as peas, beans, dairy, soy or even certain fruits.
If you want to pinpoint which foods could be the main culprit, conduct a little experiment and limit your dog’s diet to narrow down the suspects.

Read: Can you feed your dog Coconut Oil, Water, Flour or Milk?

Slowing Eating

While you’re at it, you can slow down their eating with smaller meals or another bowl in their food dish. There are actually specialized bowls that are made for this purpose. You can always use just a smaller bowl too though.


Your dog’s flatulence could be a result of an unbalanced amount of intestinal bacterial flora. Probiotics can help add good bacteria to your dog’s diet too. As long as you make sure they’re high-quality. Using Probiotics has been debated so do your research and check with your vet before making that change to your dog’s diet.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements like Zinc Acetate or Yucca can be used to help with the odor, but not the amount of gas. You can also try Activated Charcoal which is usually given to your dog as a tablet or made into a blend.
You shouldn’t give Activated Charcoal long term as it can affect other things, such as your dog’s ability to absorb other nutrients. 2 or 3 days should be fine. As always, make sure what you’re giving your dog is made for dogs. Before making changes to your dog’s diet, check with your vet as well.


Finally, exercise may seem like a simple solution. But it’s one of the most effective as well. Walk your dog outside frequently after eating to help their digestion with the fresh air and movement. The exercise and movements will help to release gas. Even the easiest solutions can in fact be the best!


New dog owners might wonder, “Do dogs really fart?” Quite simply, yes. All animals release gas, like their human counterparts.
Dog farts aren’t uncommon for dog owners, but excessive gas might be unwelcomed. Don’t worry, since there are many different things you can do from home that will help relieve your dog and you of the smell. As always, check with your vet if you’re concerned and always go for the proper check-ups. With any luck, your dog won’t be clearing out rooms anymore!

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